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Last change: January 22, 2020
Current version: 1.1.4
The translate module loads a dictionary and then uses i18next to perform translations.
webanizr.collect('translate', parameters, callback);
The collect method of dragAndDrop accepts the following three parameters.
The url to the dictionary. The dictionary should be a key-value json list where the keys are the words and the values the translations.
The function that is called when the dictionary is loaded.
webanizr.send('translate', list, parameters, callback);
The function to pass the data onto after the dragging event has concluded.
The list of words to translate
The send method of translate accepts the following parameters
The following action types are supported:
translatelist: translate the list of words
translatedom: translate all the elements in a given dom element that have the data-wtrans attribute
The dom id of the element in which all elements with the data-wtrans should be translated