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This manual explains how you can create visualization with Kibana. For this manual, we assume that you are logged into your Kibana environment and that there are already query stored.

The visualization tab

To start with Visualizations, click Visualize in the left menu. In the right menu you open the dashboard where you see your saved visualizations.

Visualisatie tab

New visualization

Click the plus button to create a new visualization. Do you want to edit an existing visualization? Then click on the name of the visualization itself.

Nieuwe visualistatie

Type of visualizations

Within Kibana you can choose for many types of visualizations. In this manual we will discuss some common visualizations, such as the bar graph, pie chart and overview list. The other visualizations work according to the same principle. These can also be easily made after a few exercises.

Type visualisaties

Select search results

After you have selected the type of visualization you must select the search result set that you want to base the visualization on. You select it by clicking on the name of the set.

Zoekresultaten selecteren

Data Table

With the data table you can easily make statistics visible in a table overview. It is possible to group and sort data.

To create this type of visualization, click on the Data Table type.

You will probably only see a table with one number on the right. To show the table more information, click on Split Rows on the left. You can then subdivide the table for the search term or date. Both options are explained below.

If all goes well, the grouped data is shown on the right. See below how to save this visualization.


Pie Chart

A pie digram can indicate the proportions between different data. To create a chart, click the Pie option for the types.

After choosing the search result set (see above) you will see a large round circle in one color. To further divide the pie chart you can choose Split Slices. After this you can further group by keyword or by date. Both options are explained below.

If all goes well, the data is shown on the right as a pie chart. See below how to save this visualization.


Bar chart (Horiontal / Vertical bar)

A bar chart can well show the ratio between the size of sets. A bar chart works better than a pie chart if there are more than 5 sets, or if you want to see what the smallest or largest set is.

To create a bar chart, choose from the Horizontal or Vertical Bar types.

After you have chosen the search result set (see above) you see one big bar. To further divide these over multiple bars, choose X-Axis or Y-Axis. You can then continue to group by search term or date. How that works is explained further below.


Group by keyword

  1. In the field under Aggregation, select the option Terms.
  2. At Field, choose the field you want to group on
  3. At Order you choose whether you want to show the data in ascending or descending order and how many results you want to show
  4. Now click on the green play button at the top
Groeperen op zoekwoord

Distribution based on date

  1. In the field under Aggregation, select the Date Histogram option.
  2. At Field, choose the field you want to group on
  3. Choose at Interval how exactly you want the sub-party
  4. Now click on the green play button at the top
Verdeling op basis van datum

Save visualization

Click the Save button in the top menu. Give the visualization a name and click the Save button. The visualization is now saved.

Visualisatie opslaan