Last change: February 26, 2021
Current version: 1.19.0
The formActions module performs actions after a form is submitted
webanizr.collect('formActions', parameters, callack);
The module accepts the following parameters:
id__form (required)
The id of the form to listen to
list__actions (optional)
The list of actions to perform. Each action is performed after the previous action is completed. Each action can have the following parameters:
type__action (required)
The type of action to perform. The following actions are supported:
- afterSubmitMessage: show a html message instead of the form
- historyBack: go one step back in browser history
- doRedirect: redirect to an url which is in action parameter url__redirect
- toWebanizrVar : store the data from a form in a webanizr variable
- finishMultiStep : finishes multistep with given id, using multistep module
- cancelSubmit: cancels the submission of a form (and all following actions)
- saveAsType: saves the data into a type defined by the datamodel
content__message (optional for afterSubmitMessage)
The message to show
name__var (required for toWebanizrVar)
The Webanizr variabele name to store the data in
label__values (optional)
See formValues for more information.
typeid__item (required for saveAsType)
The id of the type to store the data in
token__security (required for saveAsType)
The security token that allows you to performs this task on the server
context__request (optional for saveAsType)
The context to make sure the data is stored in the correct item
text__processing (optional for formValues)
Text to show inside submit button after clicking submit button of the form.
The function to call after all actions are performed
- February 26, 2021 1.19,0 - It is now possible to catch the errors and stop execution of the form action
- September 16, 2020 1.15.0 - Added context into webanizr variables for filtering
- September 16, 2020 1.14.0 - ???
- September 16, 2020 1.13.1 - ???
- September 16, 2020 1.13.0 - ???
- September 16, 2020 1.12.2 - Focus on div with feedback text, extra class for div with feedback text, form buttons removed when feedback text is shown
- July 29, 2020 1.11.1 - Removed test console.log
- July 29, 2020 1.11.0 - Added filterList action
- July 6, 2020 1.10.6 - Updated dependency to taskModelAPI to 1.2.0
- April 8, 2020 1.8.0 - added historyBack action
- March 10, 2020 1.8.0 - added text__processing parameter
- December 4, 2019, 1.6.0 - now accepts context__request for saveAsType
- November 26, 2019, 1.5.0 - added cancelSubmit
- November 6, 2019, 1.3.1 - fix for labels__values
- November 4 2019, 1.3.0 - added labels__values parameter
- October 1, 2019, 1.1.0 - added toWebanizrVar action to formActions
- September 25, 2019: 1.0.0 - first version of the module