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Edit the settings of your webshop

You could adjust most parts of your web shop without. The product catalog, prices and design are al easily changed using the front- and back-end. Some small details, however, were difficult to find or not to editable at all. With the new option "Webshop settings" these are now all available in one screen. Easy to adjust.

Now you can edit your invoice template: conditions, payment terms and logo. You can now also edit your invoice number, for example if you have made an invoice outside the web shop.

Other alterations you can adjust are about the shipping costs. You can now indicate how high these should be and to what amount they should be charged.

Furthermore, a few settings are available regarding prices and settlement of payments. This gives you even more control over your webshop.

You can read the complete overview of all settings and how to adjust them on the page about configuring your webshop.